About Your Session - Seniors

Fashion, Hair and Location


How to do I book and order?

Call or email: 720 207 7024 or info@magdalenaimages.com. Book a date. Fill out Senior Questionnaire on the website, Links Below! We can communicate via dm or text to decide best outfits. We'll send you plenty of ideas and it's good to see photos of your outfits in advance. If you would like stylist or in person pre-session consultation, please let us know (for a charge). Show up for your session, take amazing pictures and have fun! Select favorites for retouching from session which will be uploaded for 4 weeks. Enjoy your photos!

What to wear?

Check out Instagram or Pinterest Page: Instagram: magdalena_images http://m.pinterest.com/magsarb/senior-class-pics-clothes-and-ideas-for-shoot/ Bring clothes you feel comfortable in and express who you are. 3-4 strong looks and additional tops for quick changes in a two hour, around six for a three hour session. Please check below for guys and girls specifications. Photographer can meet for a pre-shoot consultation for a fee.

Hair & Make-up?

List of stylists and makeup artists below have been recommended by other customers, models and pageant contestants. We cannot guarantee the quality of their work. Please read your emails for tips on what to communicate to the salon or makeup artist. If they have questions, please provide our contact information and we can try to help. You are welcome to find your own salon near your home also. Because makeup artists are busy with wedding season and session weather rescheduling, Magdalena Images prefers that you book your own hair and makeup artist. However, if available, Darcie Williams a local mua, charges $90 for event makeup and this includes lashes

2024 pricing below, but please verify before booking.

BLUSH | Hair and Makeup, preferred: will come to your home (or at the studio):
Please make the reservation yourselves. Instagram: @blushnow or blush-now.com
Full face makeup: $85
Airbrush makeup: $100
False lashes: $13
Hair: Dry Style: $55

IG: @Samanthamariehair
studio or at your home: text: 818 371 4413
Makeup: $100
curls: $50

Beauty Street Willow Lounge for hair only:
9547 E Iliff Ave., Denver, CO, 80231
303 963 5435
Blow out: $30-$75
Event: $60-$135

Lena Solovjova has lots of experience in fashion and a salon downtown. www.lenasolobeauty.com. Instagram: @mobile_beauty_by_lena Studio Salon Denver 1135 Bannock St. Denver, 80204. 303 623 0720 Blowdry $50 Blowdry with curl $60 Makeup w/o lashes: $85 Makeup with lashes: $105
Close to the studio: Zandi K Salon usually has a lot of availability $200 for hair and makeup. 303 279 9160
Shear Productions, 303 900 0181
If you do your own hair, please start with it down and we can pull it up or use hats as we go along. Hair looks best if straight, wavy, but not overdone (hairspray helps to maintain style). If you will do your own makeup: eye-lash extensions if professionally done only please. Or apply a lot of mascara. Use makeup to enhance your eyes, cheeks and lips, but not too much. Heavy makeup can accentuate lines, acne and give an unnatural appearance. Don't forget your nails please!!; Read below fashion tips for detailed information on make-up.


You will be given individualized ideas as per answers on your questionnaire. But if you have a unique idea please let us know! Basic session fees include Golden, Morrison, Denver, Arvada, Littleton, Lakewood, Wheatridge areas. If you would like your photos taken in the mountains, please contact to discuss distance and rates. For indoor photos such as head-shots, stylized and sports photography we can take photos at our new studio located at 7500 W Mississippi Ave, Suite 120, Lakewood, CO.
Things to know: You will have fun! Your photographer has tons of patience and ideas. Please book early, summers book quickly. If you'd like to be a Magdalena Senior model fill out the Senior Model Application, please contact over the winter before your senior year here! Free marketing photoshoots (only for Magdalena Images customers, contract/deposit required).


We recommend starting with informal, fun, edgier, more stylish to pretty and more formal/feminine if booking a sunset photoshoot. There is no limit on your outfits, but around 3-4 is plenty for a two hour (can be just switching a top if want more). Three hour up to six full change outfits max. If you are doing a longer shoot, think different scenes and lots of styles! Layers and textures. Looks that are more extreme from each other, casual but also formal and beautiful, edgy and feminine, boho-chic and sporty. Please bring flats and heels! Accessories are great. Small jewelry doesn't show as much, so the same set can be worn the entire photoshoot. To change a look quickly, bring different colored tops, cardigans, kimonos, hats, shawls, jackets, scarves.


Outdoor photoshoots, colors that go well nature are best: blue, green, white, beige, kaki, aqua, grey. Solids typically look better. If you have a plaid shirt, many do look good. Stripes only work if shirt is ironed. Please don't forget to iron shirts and bring clothes on a hanger if possible. Jeans and beige pants are good. Tank top or t-shirt under a shirt looks good. If you are wearing a stylish look or suit for an urban photoshoot for example, please bring nice shoes too. If you are being photographed in your athlete uniforms, don't forget to bring bats, helmets, balls. Some uniforms need to be checked out in advance, so please check this out beforehand.