Senior class questionnaire

Please fill out this application if doing Senior Photos with Magdalena Images. BEFORE filling out, please go to Session page to figure out which session you would like, also to Locations page, select your top 4-5 and fill in below. 

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What year are you graduating from highschool? Or (models) what year did/will you graduate?
Please select top 4-5 locations below. Examples of each location are in Location section on the website. Each location explains which can be combined with others in a 3 hour session and which are stand-alones. A few can be combined in a 2 hour session also.
How would you describe your personality? Check all that apply:
How would you describe your style? Check all that apply:
Other than yearbook senior photos, usually friendly and smiling, portrait oriented and from the waist up. Are any of the ideas below something you'd like to incorporate in your senior photos?
Add other ideas below this if you have any:
Did you please follow Magdalena Images on social media? Please make sure to follow on Instagram or we cannot dm you back.
We can email or dm pointers if you will do your own. Please book your own hair and make up, some recommendations on About page.
Please specify if your family is OK with session fees, minimum purchases. Most prices are listed in the Investment section under rates.
Guidelines, information and ideas.
Above are basic guidelines, information and ideas, please check so know was read. Thank you so much and look forward to meeting you!
Thank you so much for thinking of Magdalena Images to do your senior photos! 🙂